Maguelonne Teisseire received her Ph.D. in Computing Science from the Méditerranée University, France, in 1994. She served as an Assistant Professor of Computer Science and Engineering at Montpellier II University and Polytech’Montpellier, France, from 1995 to 2008. During this time, she led the Data Mining Group at the LIRMM Laboratory in Montpellier from 2000 to 2008.
In March 2009, she joined the TETIS lab and currently holds the position of Research Director at INRAE. Her research interests are centered around advanced data mining approaches, especially focusing on spatial and temporal data. She specializes in text mining and sequential patterns, with a keen interest in the application of Artificial Intelligence (AI) techniques. Maguelonne actively contributes to various projects supported by international, national and regional initiatives. She has a substantial publication record, featuring numerous papers in refereed journals and conferences, covering topics from behavioral modeling to data science.
(Territoires, Environnement, Télédétection et Information Spatiale)
Maison de la Télédetection
500, rue J.F.Breton 34093 MONTPELLIER Cedex 5, France
Thesis: "Definition and integration of new insights for improving disease surveillance systems"
Topic: One Health, Data Science
Thesis: "Définition, conception et évaluation d'un système d'information spatial pour le pastoralisme en zones périméditerranéennes françaises"
Topic: Information System, Pastoralism
Thesis: "Food security prediction from heterogeneous data"
Topic: Multimodal Data Mining
Thesis: "Multimodal Data Mining for Smart Cities"
Topic: Multimodal Data Mining
Thesis: "Matching Heterogeneous Textual Data Using Spatial Information"
Topic: Text Mining
Thesis: "Remote Sensing Images"
Topic: Data Mining
Thesis: "Spatial Text Mining in Short Messages"
Topic: Text Data Mining
Thesis: "French Biomedical Ontology Enrichment"
Topic: Data Mining and Dengue Fever in Guyana
Thesis: "French Biomedical Ontology Enrichment"
Topic: Biomedical Data Mining
Thesis: "Partially Ordered Patterns, Application to Hydrobiological Data"
Topic: Data Mining
Thesis: "Spatio-temporal Sequential Pattern Mining"
Topic: Data Mining
Thesis: "Moving Object Mining"
Topic: Data Mining
Thesis: "Etude probabiliste et statistique des grandes bases de données"
Topic: Statistics and Data Mining
Thesis: "Recherche de motifs graduels et application aux données médicales"
Topic: Health and Data Mining
Thesis: "Les motifs séquentiels pour les puces ADN"
Topic: Ontology and Health Mining
Thesis: "Extraction de Motifs Séquentiels Dans des Données Multidimensionnelles"
Topic: Multidimensional Mining
Thesis: "Extraction de séquences fréquentes : des données numériques aux valeurs manquantes"
Topic: Fuzzy Sequential Mining
Thesis: "Recherche de sous-structures arborescentes ordonnées fréquentes au sein de bases de données semi-structurées"
Topic: Tree Mining
Thesis: "Catégorisation Automatique de Documents Textuels: D'une Représentation Basée sur les Concepts aux Motifs Séquentiels"
Topics: Text Mining, Sequential Patterns
Thesis: "Données semi structurées: découverte, maintenance et analyse de tendances"
Topics: Schema Mining, Trends Detection, Web Content Mining
Thesis: "Algorithmes et applications pour l’extraction de motifs séquentiels dans le domaine de la fouille de données: de l’incrémental au temps réel"
Topics: Sequential Patterns, Web Mining, Incremental Mining, Real Time Mining